if (ddlPhone.SelectedIndex == 0 && CheckBoxBlue.Checked && Radio64.Checked && txtQty.Text != string.Empty)
Price = Convert.ToDouble(txtQty.Text);
Price = Price * 1149;
Tax = Price * 0.06;
TotalPrice = Tax + Price;
lblTotalSummary.Text = "DATE & TIME: " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "<br>ITEMS ORDERED: iPhone 12 Mini<br>" + "    Color: Blue<br>"
+ "    Storage: 64GB<br>" + "    Warranty: 1 Year<br>" + "    QTY: " + txtQty.Text;
lblTotal12.Text = Price.ToString();
lbl12Tax.Text = Tax.ToString();
lbl12Cost.Text = TotalPrice.ToString();
//12 Alternative
lblFake12.Text = "Price: $" + Price.ToString();
lblFakeTax12.Text = "Tax: $" + Tax.ToString();
lblFakeTotal12.Text = "Total: $" + TotalPrice.ToString();
Application["Summary"] = lblTotalSummary.Text;
Application["Summary12"] = lbl12Cost.Text;
Application["SummaryTotal12"] = lblTotal12.Text;
Application["SummaryTax12"] = lbl12Tax.Text;
//12 Alternative
Application["Fake12"] = lblFake12.Text;
Application["FakeTax12"] = lblFakeTax12.Text;
Application["FakeTotal12"] = lblFakeTotal12.Text;
lblError.Text = "";
lblError.Text = "Please choose a quantity!";
lblTotalSummary.Text = "";
lblTotal12.Text = "";
lbl12Tax.Text = "";
lbl12Cost.Text = "";
lblFake12.Text = "";
lblFakeTax12.Text = "";
lblFakeTotal12.Text = "";
After running the code. The text "Please choose a quantity!" is still appearing even though txtQty is not empty. How do I resolve it? I am using HTML ASP.NET in visual studio 2017