Starting Tasks after Tasks Finish
I attached the entire code, but the code I am interested in is creating tasks to combine images using the program ImageMagick. I read in tif file names that are named using the 12 char invoice number. I want to combine 2 together with 2 instruction pages. Since each invoice is independent of the other, each can run in parallel. So I read in one invoice (2 files) and combine into another tif file. There are 10's of thousands. Takes a long time to run. So I have 4 tasks. Each can handle one invoice at a time. When each task in done, it can start another invoice. I just do not know the formats of the Task class to use. I have tried a lot of things. I know that I have to have an inner loop added, but I just do not know how to do that with the Task class. This is the code that I am talking about, but the whole program is attached.
DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\Examples\TaskImageMagick\Tiff\");
List<FileInfo> list = directoryInfo.GetFiles().ToList();
StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder();
string previousFileKey = "";
//Remove files from list, only need numbered files,then sort
list.RemoveAll(n => n.Name == "Instructions.tif");
list.Sort((a, b) => string.Compare(a.Name, b.Name));
//Initialize tasks
Task t1 = new Task(() => CombineTiff(args.ToString(), previousFileKey));
Task t2 = new Task(() => CombineTiff(args.ToString(), previousFileKey));
Task t3 = new Task(() => CombineTiff(args.ToString(), previousFileKey));
Task t4 = new Task(() => CombineTiff(args.ToString(), previousFileKey));
foreach (var item in list)
if (previousFileKey == item.Name.Substring(0, 12))
// add to arg list
args.Append(" +page ");
args.Append(" +page ");
previousFileKey = item.Name.Substring(0, 12);
//Run combine tiff process
if (t1.IsCompleted)
else if (t2.IsCompleted)
else if (t3.IsCompleted)
else if (t4.IsCompleted)
//clear args
args = new StringBuilder();
// add to arg list
args.Append(" +page ");
args.Append(" +page ");
previousFileKey = item.Name.Substring(0, 12);
I tried to write this out, so I hope it is understandable.
I hope someone can help and I would really appreciate it.
Thanks for the help.