
SQL time and attendance

Arunkumar Emm

Arunkumar Emm

Hi ,

i'm doing a project which invovles time and attendance management. When i download datas from the biometric reader , i got the records in the following format,

empCode  date  time
5001  12/09/2011  09:05:34
5002  12/09/2011  09:33:13
5001  12/09/2011  13:05:53
5002  12/09/2011  13:22:24
5001  12/09/2011  14:05:22
5002  12/09/2011  14:33:53
5001  12/09/2011  18:05:09
5002  12/09/2011  17:44:34

i want to show the above records as follows ,
(the intime , break_out , break_in and outtime are based on 'time')

empCode   date      intime  break_out  break_in    outtime
5001  12/09/2011  09:05:34  13:05:53  14:05:22  18:05:09
5002  12/09/2011  09:33:13  13:22:24  14:33:53  17:44:34

so i tried the following query but it didnt work,

SELECT  a.emp_Code,  a.dates,  a.times AS intime, b.break_out , c.break_in , d.outtime
FROM punch_details AS a LEFT OUTER JOIN
  (((SELECT emp_code, dates, times AS break_out
  FROM  punch_details
  WHERE (times > '13:00:00') and (times < '13:30:00')) AS b LEFT OUTER JOIN
  (SELECT emp_code, dates, times AS break_in
  FROM  punch_details
  WHERE (times > '13:30:00') and (times < '14:30:00')) AS c on b.emp_code=c.emp_code and b.dates = a.dates) 
  (SELECT emp_code, dates, times AS outtime
  FROM  punch_details
  WHERE (times > '17:00:00')) AS d on c.emp_code=d.emp_code and c.dates = d.dates)  ON A.emp_code = b.emp_code AND A.dates = b.dates
WHERE (A.times > '09:00:00') and (A.times < '13:00:00')

How do i do?..
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