select Site,Libellé,(select count(*) from Staxe
where Sites.Site = Staxe.Site and [Date_Comm]='28/09/2016') as NbreAppelSortant ,
(select count(*) from Staxe
where Sites.Site = Staxe.Site and [Date_Comm]='28/09/2016' and [Nature_Comm]='M') as NbreAppelSortantGsm,
(select count(*) from Staxe
where Sites.Site = Staxe.Site and [Date_Comm]='28/09/2016' and [Nature_Comm]='L') as NbreAppelSortantLocaux,
(select count(*) from Staxe
where Sites.Site = Staxe.Site and [Date_Comm]='28/09/2016' and [Nature_Comm]='N') as NbreAppelSortantNationnaux,
(select count(*) from Staxe
where Sites.Site = Staxe.Site and [Date_Comm]='28/09/2016' and [Nature_Comm]='I') as NbreAppelSortantInternationnaux
from Sites