
Sql Query Problem

Ekrem Tapan

Ekrem Tapan

hello everyone 
when i use this sql query getting error 
All queries combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator must have an equal number of expressions in their target lists. 
Select DT.* FROM (
Select NLID as MSID,M.SiteID,M.MenuID,Title,SKeywords from NewsLetter M
inner join STags STG on NLID=MainSid And M.SiteID = STG.SiteID and M.MenuID=STG.MenuID
where IsApproved='A' and DisplayStatus='U' And GETDATE() >= DisplaySDate And ((GETDATE() < DateAdd("D", 1, DisplayEDate)) Or (DisplayEDate Is null))
Select MGID as MSID,M.SiteID,M.MenuID,Case when M.Title<>'' Then M.Title else SM.Title end Title, SKeywords,
Case when M.MenuID='1' Then 'XX'
when M.MenuID='2' Then 'YYY'
when M.MenuID='3' Then 'ZZ'
end URL
From Messagess M
inner join STags STG on MGID=MainSid And M.SiteID = STG.SiteID and M.MenuID=STG.MenuID
inner join SiteMenu AS SM on STG.SiteID = SM.SiteID and STG.MenuID=SM.MenuID
where IsApproved='A' and DisplayStatus='U' And GETDATE() >= DisplaySDate And ((GETDATE() < DateAdd("D", 1, DisplayEDate)) Or (DisplayEDate Is null))
)AS DT inner join SiteMenu on DT.SiteID=SiteMenu.SiteID and DT.MenuID=SiteMenu.MenuID where IsDelete=0
problem on a red line when i cropped it its working normally but i need to use this line so how can i resolve this query ??
Answers (1)