hey guys , below i have a button and once this button is pressed, it will update the table with the values that are in a textbox.
but if p <= 0 i dont want to order to be processed, is there any way i can restrict when the databse is updated and these statements are executed to only when the stock is greater than 0
//Creating a connection to my database using the connection string
string cs = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["RegistrationConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(cs);
//preparing a query which will take away the values entered in the textboxes from the stock count currently in the database table a rows in the database
// http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/forums/error-when-trying-reduce-a-certain-number-from-the-database
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE StockTable set AmtOfStickers= AmtOfStickers - " + this.txtStickers.Text + ";", con);
SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE StockTable set AmtOfLids= AmtOfLids - " + this.txtLids.Text + ";", con);
SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE StockTable set AmtOfSJars= AmtOfSJars - " + this.txtSmallJars.Text + ";", con);
SqlCommand cmd3 = new SqlCommand("UPDATE StockTable set AmtOfLJars= AmtOfLJars - " + this.txtLargeJars.Text + ";", con);
SqlCommand cmd4 = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO OrderDetails(OrderDate, CustomerID, LidNo, StickerNo, LJarNo, SJarNo) values('" + this.txtDate.Text + "','" + this.txtId.Text + "','"
+ this.txtLids.Text + "','" + this.txtStickers.Text + "','" + this.txtLargeJars.Text + "','" + this.txtSmallJars.Text + "')", con);
SqlCommand cmd5 = new SqlCommand();
cmd5.CommandText = "Select * from [StockTable]";
cmd5.Connection = con;
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd5);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
Label12.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["AmtOfStickers"] + "";
Label13.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["AmtOfSJars"] + "";
Label14.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["AmtOfLJars"] + "";
Label15.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["AmtOfLids"] + "";
int p = Convert.ToInt32(Label12.Text);
int p1 = Convert.ToInt32(Label13.Text);
int p2 = Convert.ToInt32(Label14.Text);
int p3 = Convert.ToInt32(Label15.Text);
if (p <= 0)
smtp.Text = "smtp.gmail.com";
password.Text = "****";
subject.Text = "Stock is Low";
body.Text = "Hi Jerry, your sticker stock is 0, please restock soon to continue taking orders. Kay Oates.";
MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(from.Text, to.Text, subject.Text, body.Text);
SmtpClient Client = new SmtpClient(smtp.Text);
Client.Port = 587;
Client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(username.Text, password.Text);
Client.EnableSsl = true;
//https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15196381/display-messagebox-in-asp-net messagebox dispalying mail sent
Response.Write("<!-- Inject Script Filtered -->");
else if (p >= 1 && p <= 500)
smtp.Text = "smtp.gmail.com";
password.Text = "***";
subject.Text = "Stock is Low";
body.Text = "Hi Jerry
your small jar stock is low,
please restock soon to continue taking orders.
Kay Oates.";
MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(from.Text, to.Text, subject.Text, body.Text);
SmtpClient Client = new SmtpClient(smtp.Text);
Client.Port = 587;
Client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(username.Text, password.Text);
Client.EnableSsl = true;
//https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15196381/display-messagebox-in-asp-net messagebox dispalying mail sent
Response.Write("<!-- Inject Script Filtered -->");