
Spamming Security - Resolutions

Mahesh Chand

Mahesh Chand


Recently, somebody from Texas and Atlanta IPs have been posting spam comments on articles. To deal with this, we are doing this.
  • Removed HTML support from comments. I know it will be difficult to post code or images in comments but this is why we have Article Extensions. I have not seen much use of HTML formatting on comments anyway.
  • We have a feature where Admin or Editor can InActive a user. Once a user is InActive, he cannot login back again in the system. Right now, this feature is not effective because user is not kicked off until session is still active. So we are implementing so once a user is InActive, we will clear his/her session and he/she will be forced to login again and user willl not be able to login back.
  • Third option - If they still don't stop. We can implement Gopcha.

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