
SP Config DB still pointing to old DB server

Ranjani Raja

Ranjani Raja

Jun 26

We changed the SharePoint 2016 SQL server recently. Once alias is set to new SQL server, sites were working fine. But when I checked in CA, Configuration Database still points to old DB server (under manage servers in the farm).

The content databases pointed to new sql server. Only the config database still points to old server.

I tried to run config wizard, it is pointing to the new sql alias in the initial screen, but execution failed with  error saying "An update conflict has occurred, and you must re-try this action."

I stopped the SQL services in the old server to check if the connections now point to new server. But then the sites and CA did not open and showed run time error.

So I restarted the SQL server and tried to run the config wizard, same error.

I tried to detach the config db from old SQL server but then CA did not load.

How do I change the sql server pointed by co

nfig db? 

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