
Some Interview Questions

Nabil Nawaz

Nabil Nawaz

i m new to C# and i had an interview few days ago.
there the interviewer asked me some question which i answered but there were some points he asked me in that questions where i got stucked.
i want to ask that points which will helpful for me and other community members for their interviews..
A. he asked me about static word and i told him. then he asked me tell me a scenario where we can solve a problem only using static thing. cannot solve without that i got stucked.
B. he asked me about sessions and its different types. i answered that and then he asked which type we use in which situations ? i got stucked
C. he asked me about constructor and destructor. i answered about these. then he asked me who call these ? i told these are automatically called when we create object. he asked who ? who call these ? i got stucked.
D. he asked me about Global.asax file. i answered. then he asked me when when the methods of global.asax are called ? i got stucked.
kindly answer these questions for better prepration .
Answers (1)