
Solution - help please

Rune Lisether

Rune Lisether

I am going to make an application for a school in Norway. In Norway every student have laptops an the teachers need to control the students some times (msn, game etc). Here is my way to approach the problem. First of all the students need to install a windows service that sending external ip, username and computer name to a MSSQL server trough a WEB service (windows service connecting to the web service). In front I have a table with school name and ip-address. Only ip-addersses that match this table will be registered. (Every school has fix ip) Later the teachers can then group their students by class etc. Only teachers and student with same ip are able to communicate. When everything are registered and grouped a new service on student’s computer are going to start. This service is to be monitored by the teachers in some way over a specific port. The teachers have a small desktop application with their groups and in some way sending a message trough webservice to the student groups windows service. This service open an application that block the students desktop. Anyone have ideas about my way to solve the problem or are the other ways to do it that may be better. Is this the “right” way to solve this case. Thankful for any answer. Regards Rune Lisether, Norway
Answers (1)