question is when I create sitemaps, how can I a create more than 1 home rows.
If you look at you will see on the left there is a flyout menu of the left when you hover over home. I need to put more menus under there (home). How do I do that within the sitemap file... are do I have to create another sitemap file.
Below is my current sitemap file.
xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
siteMap xmlns="" >
siteMapNode url="" title="Home" description="This will take you back to your home page...">
siteMapNode url="" title="Account" description="Look at your account settings here..." />
siteMapNode url="" title="Inbox" description="Check all your messages both mobile and email..." />
siteMapNode url="" title="Friends" description="Check your friends and who made you a friend..." />
siteMapNode url="" title="Help" description="Need some assistance" />