
Simplistic Grid




I've got a form on which I'd like to display a "Grid" ( hate to use the word), giving the user the option of amending the Working days per week for each of the 4 Yearly quarters (Q1,Q2,Q3 and Q4) and for each week within each quarter.
So I've got (in essence ) an Array[4,13] which I want to display and to allow the user to edit.
The data to be edited is picked up from a property from a Visio Shape.
Can anyone give me any adice simply on how to display an array, with predetermined values, and then address elements of the array to extract their values?
I've been messing around with DataView Controls, Arrays of Controls, invocation of Excel and I'm at a complete loss as to how I might achieve this simple task without opening a box that I know will cause even more problems.
So, to paraphrase, if you have a 10x10 array with known values, what is the best control to use to display this array, allow editing and have the edit results available for query?
Thanks, any advice will really help
Brent Wherry   
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