
show data only which DB dates are greater than Todays date

Our db Table is
PolicyNo PolStartDate PolicyEndDate
567 10-08-2017 10-08-2017
9087 10-08-2017 10-08-2017
9087 10-08-2017 09-08-2017
9087 09-08-2017 09-08-2017
5643 09-08-2017 09-08-2019
45 09-08-2017 09-08-2022
56 10-08-2017 10-08-2017
123 01-01-2015 01-01-2021
** Here datatype of PolicyEndDate   is string .i didnot change it.
i  want to show only which PolicyEndDate is greater than and equals to  Today
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