This question may be weired but im in a confusion .I am working on core api
i have one core api solution which is having main api which is giving some details
i have an api end point provided - api/student/getstudent -which returns a set of student result,
what i have to do is,
1.i have to integrate the api in my main api and call api/student/getstudent using http
2.Student details i am getting from this api i need to validate and send it result as a response that will go to azure release pipeline.There is a test suit if my response have required result then only it will trigger to next task-this api result mailnly used to test the result data and send it(not with main api result but it send indipendently)
my question is this student api should i create as a test project? or web project(i have alredy a main web project)