
Session Variables

nisar ahmad

nisar ahmad

Dear All,

I have a web application for our client, in which user logged on to do their respective work daily and it is running on IIS on server.

Problem: when multiple user logged on it matches their user name and password from database but when they land on main menu page they see the credentials of any other user (which is already log-in) means Logged on USER NAME and their forms.

I am using static class in web application to save the credintials of users but i think static class do not work because IIS initiate one process on server thats why USER2 have seen the data of USER1.

Solution: Know i am using Session Variables to store user credintials but on the same server when i explore the log-in page i successfully logged in with USER 1 and in mean while when i again open login page and want to log-in with USER2 it gives exception of Session Variable that object reference not set.

I am using Inpor session state.

kindly help

Best Regards
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