
Sending alert mail, if any new question comes to forum....

Kedar Pawgi

Kedar Pawgi

I have developed a web site, which is a forum. Health related question answer forum. In that after registering users and doctors, the doctors are divided according to their pathy like Dermatology , Skin specialist, Pediatric, Homeopath and many more. So suppose user ask a question related to skin disease, then a mail should go to all the doctors in the skin speciality ( there may be 10,20, 40 or more doctors). 
My query is
1) How i can achieve ( i have used PHPMailer for sending simple contact us mail or registration mail ). 
2) According to me the solution is :-- taking all the necessary email ids from the DB and loop the content for every email id. Is this solution correct then 
    while sending the mail it will take too much time to send and loop through 40 or 50 email id. 
3) I need any other solution just to speed up the process or is there any different approach to this.
I need this in very urgent. 
Thanking You In advance.
Answers (4)