
Select record between two column from DataTable.

imran azam

imran azam

Hi Members,
I have searched on Google but didn't find any solution pls anyone help me out.
Problem: I have three Column ID,Value1,Value2 in the Datatable.
DataTable is looking like this : 
ID    Value1    Value2
1      10            20
2      15            30 
I want to find the data  between range means let's say in example :
if i enter 15 to 30 it should not allow because 15 is already present between 10 to 20.
This is the code i have written if i enter same value again then i will get message:
if (dtCurrentTable.AsEnumerable().Any(row =>Convert.ToInt32(drCurrentRow["Value1"]) == row.Field<Int32>("Value1") &&Convert.ToInt32(drCurrentRow["Value2"]) == row.Field<Int32>("Value2")))
So, How to write Code to achieve my task as i explain above.
Answers (3)