I have an arrayList that contains words (house, car ...
whatever) and I want to display individual words from this arrayList in a label
at different times when a button is clicked. So every time I click the button I
want the old word in the label to disappear and a new one to appear.
I've written the following code to do this but its not working... I'm
extracting the arrayList members to a string, then selecting a random member
from this string...
private void btnRandomWord_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (words.Count == 0)
lblRandomWord.Text = "No saved words";
string[] strAllWords = new string[10];
foreach (object item in words)//words is an arrayList containing the words
for (int i = 0; i <= strAllWords.Length - 1; i++)
strAllWords.SetValue(item, i);
Random RandString = new Random();
lblRandomWord.Text = strAllWords[RandString.Next(0, strAllWords.Length)];