
Searching through Objects with multiple levels of Generic List Objects

Bryan Homrighous

Bryan Homrighous


Take a look at the following code.  You will notice that Cases contains a List<Bottles>.  Each Bottles Object contains a List<MyLabels>.  In my code I am handed a List<Cases>.  Now I need boil down the List<Cases> in to a List<MyLabels> I received!


How do I do this? 


Public List<MyLabels> getListOfLabels(List<Cases> cases)


\\A bunch of foreach(s)?






public class MyLabels


private string brand;

public string Brand


get { return brand; }

set { brand = value; }


private int number;

public int Number


get { return number; }

set { number = value; }


public MyLabels(string Brand, int Number)


this.brand = Brand;

this.number = Number;




public class Bottles


private List<MyLabels> listoflabels = new List<MyLabels>();

public List<MyLabels> ListOfLabels


get { return listoflabels; }

set { listoflabels = value; }


public Bottles(List<MyLabels> ListOfLabels)


this.listoflabels = ListOfLabels;




public class Cases


private List<Bottles> bottlesincase = new List<Bottles>();

public List<Bottles> BottlesInCase


get { return bottlesincase; }

set { bottlesincase = value; }


public Cases(List<Bottles> BottlesInCase)


this.bottlesincase = BottlesInCase;







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