
Searching the element from GridView and display in Label?

     I have one GridView which is binded from Database.And I want to search the elements based on Id/First Name/Last Name.I am getting this but if there is no such item in the GridView which I entered in the TextBox,I want to get the error message in Label as"The searched record didn't found..
    How to write code for getting this message?
This is my Code which I wrote in my button Click...
 if (TxtSearch.Text == "")
LblSearchMsg.Text = "Please Enter the Id or First Name or Last Name..";
objB.id = TxtSearch.Text;
objB.First_name = TxtSearch.Text;
objB.Last_name = TxtSearch.Text;
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds = objD.NameBind(objB);
LblSearchMsg.Visible = false;
In the NameBind(),I wrote this..
string Query = "select * from tbl_Reg where Faculty_id='" + objB.id + "' or First_name='" + objB.First_name + "' or Last_name like '%' +'" + objB.Last_name + "'+ '%'";
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(Query, con);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
return ds; 
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