Here is my Code below, where is need capture workds like CARD/ SSN in GetElementsByTagName
* SensitiveInfo can be any thing like card#, accountHorderCardNumber, PersonSSN or SSN#
I have TWO requirements.
1. I need a function that works like %card% and like %SSN%, in SQL
Dim strSensitiveInfo as string
Dim xml As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument()
For Each ElementoProyecto As XmlElement In xml
Dim EleProyecto As XmlNodeList = ElementoProyecto.GetElementsByTagName("SensitiveInfo")
strSensitiveInfo= If((EleProyecto(0) Is Nothing), "", EleProyecto(0).InnerText)
2. I need to encrypt the value of strSensitiveInfo
Can some one plz help me out on this