
Scenario Pseudo-code Required



Scenario 1:
Users utilize an order list website to select an order number and begin working on it. Once a user selects an order, they are required to make field value changes to it and resubmit the order for approval.
For this example, consider the following order data to begin with:
Order ID: 1234
First Name: Fred
Last Name: Jones
DOB: 1/1/2001
City: Chicago
State: Illinois
• User 1 selects order 1234 from the list to begin making modifications
• User 2 selects the same order and also begins making modifications
• User 1 then changes only the first name on the order from “Fred” to “Tom”
• User 1 submits the modifications back into the system for approval by their supervisor
• User 2 then changes only the DOB on the order from “1/1/2001” to “1/1/1999”
• User 2 submits their changes to the order back into the system for approval by their supervisor
The resulting order data is as follows:
Order ID: 1234
First Name: Fred
Last Name: Jones
DOB: 1/1/1999
City: Chicago
State: Illinois
The supervisor rejected the modifications because the order contained the wrong first name.
1) What type of errors in the application would you look for to figure out why this error occurred?
2) What could be done to resolve the issue?
 Please help me.
Answers (1)