I am trying to do routing in angular 1.x
This is my app.js file
- var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.router']);
- app.config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $locationProvider) {
- $locationProvider.html5Mode(true);
- $locationProvider.hashPrefix('');
- $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/home');
- $stateProvider
- .state('home', {
- url: '/home',
- templateUrl: 'home1.html',
- controller:'Home1'
- }).state('home2', {
- url: '/home2',
- templateUrl: 'home2.html',
- controller:'Home2'
- }).state('home3', {
- url: '/home3',
- templateUrl: 'home3.html',
- controller: 'Home3'
- })
- })
I have added three js files home1,home2,home3 with controller name Home1,Home2,Home3 respectively
This is my code for all files
- app.controller('Home1', function ($scope, $rootScope, $location) {
- $scope.name12345 = sessionStorage.getItem('name1234');
- $scope.back = function () {
- $location.path('home2')
- }
- });
- app.controller('Home2',function ($scope, $rootScope, $location) {
- $scope.msg = "Welcome";
- $scope.name = sessionStorage.getItem('name');
- $scope.data2 = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('data1'));
- console.log($scope.data2);
- $scope.click2 = function (name) {
- alert(name);
- $scope.name123 = name;
- sessionStorage.setItem('name1234',($scope.name123))
- $location.path('home3')
- }
- })
- app.controller('Home3',function ($scope, $rootScope, $location) {
- $scope.msg = "Welcome";
- $scope.click = function () {
- sessionStorage.setItem('name', ($scope.msg))
- sessionStorage.setItem('data1', JSON.stringify($scope.data))
- $location.path('/home2');
- }
- });
Now this controller and app module on all three html files home1.html,home2.html and home3.html
When I run home3.html it changes url name to home,instead of changing it to home3,you can check this code in app.js
- state('home3', {
- url: '/home3',
- templateUrl: 'home3.html',
- controller: 'Home3'
- })
instead it consider this
So my First question is when I run home3.html it should change url to home3,when I run home2.html it should change url to home2,when I run home1.html it should change url to home
And second question is I have used $location.path('home2') in this scenario I have to redirect to home2.html with home2 as Url but this is not happening to.
How to do this kindly guide me on this