
Rotating An image thats stored as a resource

Papa Smurf

Papa Smurf

OK i would simply like to load the image into a ghrapic object however graphic dosnt have transform for when i use a matrix all i want it to do basicly is load the sword01 resource and rotate it by 18 degrees 20 times (18 * 20 = 360) so that it rotates around the center of my form. .... what i have is like this.... but i know its incorrect, im on the right track but i cant find a way to store the resource as a graphic or somthing so i can transform it and rotate it on a specific point can any one help me?? please! :) thank you for(int loop=0; loop < 20; loop++) { Matrix x = new Matrix(); Bitmap curbitmap = new Bitmap(MMZJ.Properties.Resources.sword01); Graphics g = new Graphics(); x.rotateat(18, new Point(150,150)); g.DrawImage(curbitmap, new Point (150,150)); g.Trasform = x; g.Clear(Program.mainForm.BackColor); }