
RES file support and maintenance

Rick Malek

Rick Malek


I am working with a client that has a very old application (circa 1990) that has numerous RES files. The RES file is a compiled file that is generated from an input script with an extension of 'RC'. This is basically a resource file. The application used to create and maintain the screens was is residing on a Vista machine. The clients' IT department is saying the machine is a threat (agree) and needs to be eliminated from the network. The application however is no longer available and I am trying to identify another method to maintain the RC and associated files used to generate the RES files.

 Does anyone have any suggestions/comments/guidance on:

1. A way to maintain the RC files?
2. A RES generator that will compile the RC file?
3. Tried Visual Studio 2015 but the RC compiler will not accept the file. It keeps flagging what is valid syntax (STYLE attribute)
 4. Any mechanism or approach to convert these old screens to something else would also be welcomed.
Thank yoU! 
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