
Reports Deployment

Sriram Ramani

Sriram Ramani


Hi Experts ,
I need a very very urgent help please . I'm unable to do anything Here's the overview
1)I've created a Windows Application in VB.net and MS-Access as the Backend . Its a project for a school to maintain the students details and the fees Details
2)I have included a Crystal Report and loaded some fields using typed dataset .
3)I've created a Setup Project and have imported this Application's Database file , exe file and all necessary docs in it along with the report(.rpt) file .
4)In the code i've used this rpt file to load.
5)The problem for me now is that when i deploy the report and is contents are getting loaded properly in my own system and when i test/deploy it in any other system it is showing error in loading the contents in the Reoprt file . But the rpt file is loading properly.
6)I think the problem is with the Dateset in getting loaded.
Please some one it will be really help ful . Please please please..