
Render Excel Files to PDF & Dom4j Library Dependency Removal

David Zondray

David Zondray


What's new in this release?

The long awaited version of Aspose.Cells for Java 7.6.1 has been released. In this release, the dependency of dom4j library has been removed. So, now dom4j-1.6.1.jar can be excluded from its ClassPath when using Aspose.Cells component as we have written our own XML parser for certain operations. We have done a number of enhancements in the new release. For example, we fixed an issue regarding set license, i.e., "Cannot find black listed licenses resource" exception as sometimes our users find this issue in their diverse environments. You may also use the product in OSGi environment without any problem now. We have resolved some exceptions when reading/writing Excel files and rendering Excel spreadsheets to image files and PDF format. This release is also a kind of maintenance release that contains certain enhancements and fixes for the issues reported in the earlier versions. In this release, we have fixed the issues for manipulating charts  and shapes. Since the code base of Aspose.Cells for Java now matches the code of relevant .NET version, most of the enhancements and fixes included in the Aspose.Cells for .NET v7.6.1 are also included in this release. This release includes plenty of improved features and bug fixes as listed below

·         Workbook.getWorksheets().setOleSize is not working as expected

·         License issue (CellsException: Cannot find black listed licenses resource)

·         Missing Permissions manifest attribute message after JRE 1.7 u45 upgrade

·         Using Aspose.Cells in an OSGi environment

·         Drawings disappear in the output PDF

·         Wrong value in VerticalAlignment when using XML Spreadsheet

·         DateTime returned for XLSM document's properties is incorrect

·         Sparklines custom axes are not working

·         Charts are getting cut off while printing

·         Problem rendering spaces at different resolutions

Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release.

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Cells for Java documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Cells for performing different tasks like the followings.

 - Manipulating Designer Charts: http://www.aspose.com/docs/display/cellsjava/Manipulating+Designer+Charts

  - Rendering Excel Spreadsheets to Image Files and PDF format: http://www.aspose.com/docs/display/cellsjava/Utility+Features

Overview: Aspose.Cells for Java

Aspose.Cells is a Java component for spreadsheet reporting without using Microsoft Excel. Other features include creating spreadsheets, opening encrypted excel files, macros, VBA, unicode, formula settings, pivot tables, importing data from JDBC ResultSet and support of CSV, SpreadsheetML, PDF, ODS and all file formats from Excel 97 to Excel 2007. It is compatible with Windows, Linux & Unix and supports all advanced features of data management, formatting, worksheet, charting and graphics.

More about Aspose.Cells for Java

 -  Homepage of Aspose.Cells for Java: http://www.aspose.com/java/excel-component.aspx

 -  Download Aspose.Cells for Java: http://www.aspose.com/community/files/72/java-components/aspose.cells-for-java/default.aspx

 -  Online documentation of Aspose.Cells for Java: http://www.aspose.com/docs/display/cellsjava/Home

  -  Demos of Aspose.Cells for Java: http://www.aspose.com/demos/java-components/aspose.cells/default.aspx

Contact Information

Aspose Pty Ltd,

Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road

Lane Cove, NSW, 2066



[email protected]

Phone: 888.277.6734

Fax: 866.810.9465