
Removing a duplicate row (WMI Script)

Tyler Adams

Tyler Adams


I've built an InfoPath form that queries WMI data and displays it in the form so that we can submit the info to a SharePoint list.

I'm putting on the final touches and am having problems with one small section.  When i query the RAM, i have it display the information into a repeating table.  The problem is when i create the repeating table for some reason it duplicates the first row.  I found an article on how to remove the first row (http://www.bizsupportonline.net/infopath2007/programmatically-delete-first-row-repeating-table-infopath.htm)

I use this same bit of code to remove the first row from another section and it works just fine, but for some reason when i do this very same thing it deletes the first 2 rows.  I can't figure out why it works fine in one section but not in the other section, i copied and pasted the same bit of code so it should work the same.  If someone could help me figure out what's going on here i'd appreciate it.

code sample:

using Microsoft.Office.InfoPath;

using System;

using System.Xml;

using System.Xml.XPath;

using System.Management;

using System.Net.NetworkInformation;

namespace Inventory_Rev1


public partial class FormCode


// Member variables are not supported in browser-enabled forms.

// Instead, write and read these values from the FormState

// dictionary using code such as the following:


// private object _memberVariable

// {

// get

// {

// return FormState["_memberVariable"];

// }

// set

// {

// FormState["_memberVariable"] = value;

// }

// }

// NOTE: The following procedure is required by Microsoft Office InfoPath.

// It can be modified using Microsoft Office InfoPath.

ManagementObjectSearcher searcherMemory =

new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2",

"SELECT * FROM Win32_PhysicalMemory");

public void InternalStartup()


EventManager.FormEvents.Loading += new LoadingEventHandler(FormEvents_Loading);


public void FormEvents_Loading(object sender, LoadingEventArgs e)


foreach (ManagementObject queryObj in searcherMemory.Get())


int counter = 1;


string slot = queryObj["DeviceLocator"].ToString();

string capacity = queryObj["Capacity"].ToString();

string speed = queryObj["Speed"].ToString();

// Create an XPathNavigator to walk the main data source

// of the form.

XPathNavigator xnMyForm = this.CreateNavigator();

XmlNamespaceManager ns = this.NamespaceManager;

// Set the fields in the form.

xnMyForm.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:Memory/my:Ram/my:slot", ns)


xnMyForm.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:Memory/my:Ram/my:capacity", ns)


xnMyForm.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:Memory/my:Ram/my:speed", ns)


// Increment the counter


// Add the item to the repeating table

AddItemMemory(slot, capacity, speed);


// Remove the first empty item from the repeating table





private void AddItemMemory(string slot, string capacity, string speed)


XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

XmlNode group = doc.CreateElement("Ram",


XmlNode field = doc.CreateElement("slot",


XmlNode node = group.AppendChild(field);

node.InnerText = slot;

field = doc.CreateElement("capacity",


node = group.AppendChild(field);

node.InnerText = capacity;

field = doc.CreateElement("speed",


node = group.AppendChild(field);

node.InnerText = speed;







private void DeleteFirstEmptyItemMemory()


XPathNavigator domNav = MainDataSource.CreateNavigator();

XPathNavigator itemNav = domNav.SelectSingleNode(



if (itemNav != null)



