
removing a decimal point "." from a string.

Baruch F

Baruch F

I have many strings in a database that are actually numbers.  I need the string to remain a string exactly as it is but without the decimal point.  I also have some that end in a 0 so converting it to decimal is a problem since the 0 has no value and therfore falls off. 
the reason for this is that it references another database that has the same strings but without the decimal.  I tried the following code but it won't let me do it because "." is not a char and it won't let me cast it either.  Any suggestions?

                IEnumerator thisIEnum = diagAStr.GetEnumerator();
                while (thisIEnum.MoveNext())
                    if(thisIEnum.Current != ".")
                    temp = temp + thisIEnum.Current;
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