
Regarding Database and asp.net

mohit mahajan

mohit mahajan


i am working in asp.net ,recentely i got one task,i need to create db which has few tables,one table name is "master_tables" which has table_id and table_name column(table name is all the tables names which is in db).
so,suppose there is 1 table name employee which has emp_id, name adress + two more columns name loghistory_id and table_row_id..(tablerowid value come from master_tables).. and another table is log_history_table..(which has loghistoryid,tablerowid,rowid,operation(insert,delete,update etc),user_name,comments) if i insert record through asp.net appllication,after inserting, the record should insert in both the tables means (in inserted table + log historytable)...in log history table i want..tablerowid from which table the record inserted,rowid,which rowid is inserted ,and which user inseted or deleted...and in inseted table historyrowid and table row id columns should also be update after inserting....i searched alot but i dint get any good result..will you plzzz tell me the proper logic..to solve this task..

its very important for me ....
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