
Record is not reading end of

Hello all
I am trying to compare two values like PreValue and CurValue. If two values are not same then it will add into a table else skip. But I am not getting what happen. After first record checking it's come out from loop. Anybody help me.
private void AEADT()
string[] FieldValue = new string[] { "FaName","MoName","Address","HasAE","Misuse" };
string[] CurValue = new string[] { txtFaName.Text, txtMoName.Text, txtAddress.Text, txtHasAE.Text, txtMisuse.Text };

SqlConnection Con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=;Initial Catalog=AdverseEvents;Integrated Security=True");
string PreValue = "Select FaName, MoName, Address, HasAE, Misuse from SCVBAE where FormSL='" + txtFrmSerial.Text.Trim() + "' AND PID='" + txtPID.Text.Trim() + "'";
SqlCommand Com = new SqlCommand(PreValue, Con);
SqlDataReader rd = Com.ExecuteReader();

AEProperty Add = new AEProperty();
Add.FormSl = txtFrmSerial.Text.Trim();
Add.PID = txtPID.Text;

for (int i = 0; i < FieldValue.Length; i++)
if (rd.FieldCount > 0)
while (rd.Read())
if ((rd.ToString()).Equals(CurValue[i].ToString()) == false)
Add.PreValue = rd[i].ToString();
Add.CurValue = CurValue[i].ToString();
Add.FieldName = FieldValue[i].ToString();
Add.FileNo = "1";
Add.ReasonADT = "Punching error";
Add.UpdateBy = Program.EnterBy;
Add.UpdateDt = DateTime.Today.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
Add.UpdateTm = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss tt");

DSDBHandler AddHandler = new DSDBHandler();
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Record cannot insert ! check properly" + ex.Message);
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