
reading Json and Xml

renee Nay

renee Nay

I am running this code and it works great ..except when I am reading the xml. it reads the json but not the xml.
I was following the directions in this post Combine XML And Json Requests And Responses In ASP.NET Core Web API .
I am trying to give the user the function to send data in either json or xml.
 I don't know how to get it to also read the xml in the post function or what I did wrong
here is my code 
    public class CancelController : Controller
        [HttpGet("get.{format}"), FormatFilter]
        public IEnumerable<BatchData> Get()
            List<BatchData> cancel = new List<BatchData>
                    new BatchData { BatchNumber = "1"},
                    new BatchData { BatchNumber = "2"}
            return cancel;

        [HttpPost("post.{format}"), FormatFilter]
        public BatchData Post([FromBody] BatchData cancel)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                return cancel;
                return cancel;
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