
Reading first two datas from the database.......

krishna prasad

krishna prasad

Hai all...

Have a small prob..Need Help...

I have a database built on Sql server basically it contains colums like Source Ip addr,Dest addr,Protocol, Time.....a Network data set...

My goal is to retreive the first two Source and protocol value and compare it with the 3rd and 4th data.......I tried using Sql data reader its not workin or i dont know the procedure..Now i am Workin on using Dataset concepts...I need some suggestions...

The other problem is as i am using IP adrr value...i retreive it from the database as a string value and wen i compare with other ip value it always gives me a false value...(i.e)1)   2) i compare this it should give equls or true value..but it always giving me false value....

Pleaase help me...
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