
Reading and analysing textfiles and building sting arrays

Hello community,
I'm working on a project were I need to read several types of measurement files (basically text). In most cases, the files consist of a header and several additional lines like this:
Orginator "blah blah"
Descriptor "blah blah"
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ....... X
What I want is to:
1. Open the file
2. Analyze the file and search for strings named begin_data and end_data
3. Remove everything except the numbers between end_data and begin_data
4. Built a string array constisting only of the numbers then split the string using " " as separator
The begin_data and end_data strings are allways present but may vary in position. 
Gratefull for any ideas and suggestions.
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