
RE: Open different xaml files(class objects) on button click

Naresh K

Naresh K

Hi All, 
I am new to WPF XAML, below is something i tried & stuck in displaying new/another xaml file.
1)  In the window.xaml file i created 2 rows & 2 column.
2) in row = 0 + col=0  & row=0 + col=1, i created a button in xaml added event handler in code behinde. in row = 0 + col=1 i created another button.
3) Now i created seperate two xaml files with some controls in it.
4) I want to display these xaml file(s) when user clicks on a button 1, and this xaml file should be displayed  in row=1 + col = 1
5) when user clicks 2nd button one of the xaml file should be displayed in the same grid.row=1 + col=1, the prev xaml file shall be closed and save into some History collection list.
Please help in implementing it,
Thanks & Regards.,
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