
RDLC Matrix Hiding Rows

Nabil Nawaz

Nabil Nawaz

hello guys !
i'm working on RDLC report . I'm using matrix to show subreport for the main report. three subrecords for each main record.
problem is when there are rows starting with first column with same data. matrix hide that and show only one row. this is not i want. i want to show that because if 1st column in both records have same data . the rest of the columns of both records have different records. but if hide all the row.
i've attach screenshots for clarification.
this is the record on the form with three rows having 1st column same rest of the 5 to 6 columns are different.
Below is  the report of the above record shows only 2 records. 2nd and 3rd. 1st is hidden. I only showed one column for understanding in RDLC report.  
below is the form record with three different columns and the report. in report it shows all three records.
Report of above form shows all three records when column data is not same
in 1st 2 pictures where 2 columns have same data even then i want to show all three columns in my sub report matrix . kindly tell me how can i achieve this .