
rdlc field expression

David Smith

David Smith

Read the comments in red below.

= Max(Field!Code.Value)

Raw Table

 Time               TestName        Status

1/01/10           Beer                 FAIL
1/01/10           Beer                 ""
1/01/10           Beer                 ""
1/01/10           Beer                 ""

2/20/10           Beer                 PASS
2/20/10           Beer                 ""
2/20/10           Beer                 ""
2/20/10           Beer                 ""

Output Im trying to Produce for a pivot or crosstab via rdlc file:  Status By Time

 Time               TestName        Status

1/01/10           Beer                 FAIL
2/20/10           Beer                 PASS

With this expression  = Max(Field!Code.Status) :  Status By Time

this value is incorrect, it suppose to say FAIL if you look above in the raw table the value is FAIL
I thinking because the testname has the same value and PASS is the max it included PASS for that test (1/01/10)
So how do write the expression to give me the max value by time via Status

 Time               TestName        Status

1/01/10           Beer                 PASS   
2/20/10           Beer                 PASS