first is my database by using this code i have stored the values for checked items.
private void updatesegments()
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
for(int j=0;j < ChckListBxSegments.Items.Count;j++)
if (ChckListBxSegments.Items[j].CheckState == Telerik.WinControls.Enumerations.ToggleState.On)//togglestate has 3 modes .When it is set to on then only it will enter into it
Program.StrSql = "Update QbGeneralLookup set ActiveFlag = 3 Where LookupId = 7 and Description ='" + ChckListBxSegments.Items[j].Value + "'";
cmd.Connection = Program.QbAppDbCon;
cmd.CommandText = Program.StrSql;
now i need to display to the checkbox as whether it is checked or not according to the value that stored