Rad Grid view in view state not working properly
I have a grid called location which is in viewstate once insert button is clicked inserting the actual value and while binding it takes previous data..!
this is my insert code
GridEditFormItem inserteditem = e.Item as GridEditFormItem;
RadComboBox ddllocation = (RadComboBox)inserteditem.FindControl("ddllocation") as RadComboBox;
TextBox txtdisplayorder = (TextBox)inserteditem.FindControl("txtdisplayorder") as TextBox;
int talkoftown_detailid = 1;
if (ViewState["LocationGrid"] != null)
objtotdet = (List<TalkOfTheTown_Detail>)ViewState["LocationGrid"];
talkoftown_detailid = objtotdet.Count + 1;
objTOTdetail.TalkOfTownDet_Id = talkoftown_detailid;
objTOTdetail.PropLocation_Id = Convert.ToInt32(ddllocation.SelectedValue);
objTOTdetail.DisplayOrder = Convert.ToInt16(txtdisplayorder.Text);
ViewState["LocationGrid"] = objtotdet;
this.gvlocation.DataSource = objtotdet;
need a immediate help..,