i am having trouble on how to update the rabbitMq config to change the default consumer timeout which is 1800000, my consumer takes a little bit longer in some scenarios. Because of the default 30 mins timeout the message is being repushed to the queue, as we are having multiple consumers if the first consumer has not finished the processing of the message and the same message has been repushed to the queue which was picked up by another consumer listening to the queue. So due to this issue our server resources were being utilized to maximum making other requests to slow down, so we want to update our rabbitMq configuration to increase the timeout to atleat 6-7 hours.
So our rabbit Mq server is running on the different linux server other than the server in which our consumers were hosted, we have tried updating the policies related to consumer-timeout even if it got updated our consumers were still having the default timeout(1800000), we have tryed deleting the queues & also tried restarting all the consumers still there is no changes in the timeout configuration of the consumers.
Any help with this issue is appreciated.