I want help in the programming logic algorithm in C#: I want to program, so when the person is going to fill out the form to advertise the product, and attach the photo with the PictureBox, using the OpenFileDialog (Form6), they are directed and attach (the photos) to Form10, with the photo in PictureBox attach (published advertisI ement form). And the photo be attach and directed too, for the Form12 (PictureBox).
The Form6, it's the form for fill the ad and all information, and it's the part for fill the informations about the ad.
The Form10 it's the part about the ad published.
The Form12 it's the part about all the ads.
In this case, i intend to program correctly, in the programming logic (algorithm), for the person, when the person fills out the photos(in the Form6), automatically, the photos of the ads will be published in the Ad Form (Form12), the photos of the ads will be generated (PictureBox), infinitely, in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, etc. (infinite photos – PictureBox), in infinite Forms? Every time the person fills and attach the photo in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. (infinite times)