
Question about show and showDialog

Johnny Nguyen

Johnny Nguyen

Ok, I have a form call TestForm.  It has two buttons on it call button1 and button2.  When button1 is click, it will do a show on form1.  When button2 is click, it will do a showDialog on form2.  My question is if I click on button1, form1 will be display and I will still have control of TestForm and form1 since I am doing a show.  However while having form1 visible still, I will click on button2 to make form2 visible.  I will only have control on form2 now since I am doing a showDialog.  How can I also have control on form1 while form2 is open is my question.  Yes, I know I can do a show on form2 and it will solve this.  But, is there any way around this besides using show?  I tried removing parents and owners and etc...Nothing seems like its working....Help please!
Answers (2)