i have 2 table in my database
1. MyProducts
productID (code of products)
Salecounter (count of sales)
2. Details
Quantity(count of selected product in shoppingcart)
now i want sum Quantity field in the table details . potation to that column "productid" in table "details" include repeater productid
that's means several row of the table maybe has same productid because every shopping cart maybe include that;
then i want set column salecounter in table MyProducts with result of sum query for every productid
how can i do that ?
that's my code but has some error
//sale counter string at, sa, bb, kk; OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(@"provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" + Server.MapPath("shop.mdb")); at = " update myproducts set salecounter = (SELECT sum(details.Quantity) FROM Details Group By ProductID) in(select productid from details);";// WHERE EXISTS (select productid from myproducts)"; OleDbCommand cmm = new OleDbCommand(at, con); // OleDbDataReader drm; con.Open(); // drm = cmm.ExecuteReader(); // drm.Read(); cmm.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close();