I have 2 arrays named as taxes and subitems
how can we save taxes values to subitems?
In taxes array i have field names id and value
in the same way at subitems we have aid and text
if i done any modification on taxes that can be goes to subitems
here i have declared diffterent field names
i didn't get how to solve this issue
please could any body help me
i am searching for this solution since 2 months onwards
refer this plunker:http://next.plnkr.co/edit/SKrGEOvIlWSCzaZd?open=lib%2Fscript.js&deferRun=1&preview
If any one know i can share databases aslo
I have 2 databases
id value
1 111
2 bbb
after we click click button the above grid view can be populating from database
for each row same grid view can be displayed
if i done any modifications that can belong that particular row only
(here i am going to change bbb....>aaa)
database 2
aid text
1 111
2 aaa
so finally we are fetching values from one database
and we are going to save into another database