
Project Ideas for a Basic Media Management System in C#.Net

Dinesh Babu

Dinesh Babu

hello people,

I've been learning C#.Net for two months now.
I've got used to the visual studio GUI to create basic windows forms applications like calculator etc..

Now, I've decided to create a media management system using this.

Its features are:

·     Core Features


-          Search throughout computer for audio, video and images and fetch them.

-          Organize and view media files from media library created from above data.

-          Effective searching of files by using advanced filters like size, length, artist, album, year etc.,

-          Inbuilt media file rating system (5 Star rating system)

-          Ability to create user defined fields for each media file

o  Tagging System

-    File wise tagging.

-    Collective tagging for grouping images, audio & videos together.


·     Web features


-          Web interface for the software to share & access user's library over LAN and internet.

-          Ability to fetch album art, lyrics & other related data for a file.

-          Sharing images through social networking & image sharing sites.

o   e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Flickr & Picasa web albums.

-          One click video upload to Youtube.


·     User Interface features


-          Themeable with many colours.

-          Ability to customize the interface according to user's needs.

 Can u guide me on how to do implement the "core features" ?

Thanks in Advance.!

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