What is the optimum way in c sharp to process or parse an 180 by 180 array of double into memory. In a nutshell someone is passing me 180by180 array from Matlab and and I need to parse into memory using c sharp. Do I really need 2-dimensional array to this? Can someone point me in the right direction of process an 180by180 array. This is the code I have below.
MULTIPLIER = (Math.PI * 2);
double azmiuthLength = (MULTIPLIER * azmiuth);
double elevationLength = (MULTIPLIER * elevation);
for (double x = 0; x < Math.PI; x += Math.PI / 180)
double xAxis = Math.abs(Math.sin( azmiuthLength * Math.cos(x) / azmiuthLength * Math.cos(x)));
this.antennaPattern.getRadiationArray2D()[xIndex][0] = xAxis;
int yIndex = 0;
for (double y = 0; y < Math.PI; y += Math.PI / 180)
double yAxis = Math.abs(Math.sin(elevationLength * Math.cos(y) / elevationLength * Math.cos(y)));
antennaPattern.getRadiationArray2D()[xIndex][yIndex] = yAxis;