I have this problem regarding with the cursor. I wanted the cursor to show a wait state (hourglass) when i load some records into the windows forms and return back to default state after the process is done. It seems to be an easy way by just issuing the statement :
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
before the statements to be executed and then when we are done just set back the cursor to default. This works fine for the first time when that particular menu/button it is associated with is pressed or clicked. When we continue with that application and click on that menu/button again, it just doesn't show the hourglass cursor anymore. I initially thought the problem is that i didn't refresh the screen so i put a this.Refresh() command before the Cursor.Current statement but it just doesn't seems to solve the problem.
If anyone knows what is the trick to solve this problem, please help me.