
Problems loading data from Access Database only if using VS 2010 and Rights Issues

Juan Collado

Juan Collado


I have an application that was running of SQl Server but I had to deploy to another company overseas.
I converted it to work off ms access instead of SQL.

One of the applications or process was built on VS 2003 and the main app is built in VS 2010.

The following Connections string works fine when application is installed on the C drive but will not work if the installation was done on the programs folders:

"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=ATP_Data\My_Data.mdb;User Id=admin;Password=;"

Now that same connections string works perfect in the VS 2003 application.

Why does it work fine on both apps when installed on the C drive?

Second question:

My application works fine and saves data fine to access as long as I have admin rights to the local drive, how can I make my program bypass that and make it able to write to access even if not logged in as admin for that PC? Do I must have their IT department give writing rights tot eh installation folder?

Thanks fo ryour help


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