
Problemi con il caricamento delle pagine

Anna Rita

Anna Rita

Hello everyone,
three days I am working on a Web Application with Visual Studio 2008 and unfortunately I have some problems with loading data in GridView and therefore can not display pages correctly in ... In fact, to be honest I'm talking about the page which displays empty.
the project and linked to stored procedures in SQL Server 2005, so all the data within the C # code, are loaded through stored.
The page you should call the one where I do not see any data inside the list is called the DRC, but one where you do not see anything called accounts.
You may have guessed from the names of the pages is a project dealing with procurement of resources working on projects like us and every month-end totals for how many hours they have worked on that project and so on ....
To make you a better idea of ??which I attach the pages I have told you, ok?
I hope someone can help me out!
A 'final step in the project you can log in as administrator, in charge of contracts, as business managers and so on .. I tell xchè pages that will attach, read (AMM = administrator = BUM business managers, etc. ...)

Thank you.

Attachment: webpages.rar

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