Tengo un problema con el tipo de dato Date / DateTime que no consigo resolver.
Se trata de lo siguiente:
Solución en Visual Studio 2017:
Tengo un proyecto principal en .Net Core Web Application (ASP .NET Core (C#) 2.0 & Angular) y a él tengo referenciados otros proyectos del tipo Biblioteca de Clases en Visual Basic (Framework 4.7.1)
El problema que tengo con los tipos de datos Date y DateTime es que a la hora de pasar este tipo de dato a cualquiera de mis proyectos en Visual Basic no me lo reconoce y la variable pasa a valer: Internal error in the expression evaluator.
¿A qué se debe el error? ¿Cómo puedo solucionarlo?
Muchas gracias!
I have an issue with the data type / Date Time
Solution in Visual Studio 2017:
I’m working with .Net Core Web Application (ASP .NET Core 2.0 (C#) & Angular) as the main project and I´ve also added to the solution other projects, class library in Visual Basic (Framework 4.7.1).
The problem with the data types Date and Datetime. Is when trying to communicate between my projects. When I try to send this data type from one project to another, it doesn’t recognize the variable and it throws the following exception: Internal error in the expression evaluator.
It seems that core 2.0 and Framework 4.7.1 doesn´t like each other if you try to work with them in the same solution.
The data types Date and Datatime works perfectly fine in C# CORE 2.0 (the main project) but stop working when you send it as a Date or Datetime variable to the Framework 4.7.1, projects imported to the solution. Throwing the exception previously described.
Why is this happening? How can I solve it?